AIT Director W. Brent Christensen’s Farewell Speech

Prepared by Peter Lichang Kuo Mr. W. Brent Christensen assumed the position of Director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) in August 2018. The term of office has expired for three years, and today he presented the " Farewell Speech ", he said, “ Taiwan has reason to be proud of its many successes. ” And expressed that “Proud of Taiwan’s public health system and its success in managing the COVID-19 pandemic; and showing the spirit of generosity.” The people of Taiwan free donated " Anti-epidemic Respirators " (masks) automations for EU country (Czeck), While extending Taiwan's technological power to the worldwide, and also should extend our national strength. Taiwan should stand on a solid foundation and move forward boldly. When I was invited to participate in the APEC CEO Summit in Singapore, I contributed " The Way of Rebuilding the Global Economy " and advocated the " Seven Centers of Division of Labor " between the Unite...