
Prepared by Peter Kuo Confucius said: “ Heaven is esteem and earth is humble, Qian and Kun are installed. High and low in order so that noble and common are positioned .” In the seminars or forums I held in the past, a self-made " Huangdi (Yellow Emperor) 's Compass Chariot for pointing the south " was always demonstrated to explain the importance of " Positioning ". In 2021, when the vaccine began to be used for the pandemic of COVID-19, the bad situation in the affected countries were slow-down; however, the Delta Virus quietly invaded into Taiwan. The epidemic situation caused Taiwan’s authority announced that " Entering the alert of Level 3 ". Everyone must scan the code wherever they go in order to prepare for the need of tracing. Therefore, Just try to reduce going out and stay at home. On May 12, while sitting for meditation, a very old friend-- Dr. Ko-wang Mei (1918-2016)’s admonition suddenly floated in my mind: "Believing i...