Einstein’s Enlightenment

Prepared by Peter Lichang Kuo


I. Overview

My formal education was that I graduated from Park Elementary School in Tainan. Other than that, from junior high night school to graduate school, I could only graduate by as a top one. My time in school was extremely short, with no campus life and no summer or winter breaks. Every day, I had to stay on edge, serving a demanding group of clients, with a year-round, nonstop work schedule that consumed my entire life before military service. As such, the only thing I can recall is my elementary school teacher, Mr. Chiu Sen-Jen.

Mr. Chiu was exceptionally knowledgeable and well-read, often sharing stories about famous figures. One day, he mentioned the reasons behind Japan's surrender in World War II and brought up the name "Einstein." He even wrote a formula on the blackboard with chalk, saying it was the origin of the atomic bomb. In 1979, shortly after arriving in the United States, I visited Princeton to trace Einstein's footsteps, and I quickly completed the development of a satellite receiver. Later, in our "Rich Taiwan Plan," aimed at promoting Taiwan's industrial transformation and upgrading, we decided to differentiate ourselves from the U.S. and Japanese markets. Based on my wife, Linda Din's, philosophy of universal compassion, we invented the technology of "Contactless Induction." During the initial development phase from 1986 to 1989, we repeatedly explored Einstein's "Photoelectric Effect" theory. Although we eventually adopted "Radio Frequencies" (RF) due to the "Limitations of Light" and invented the non-contact semiconductor needed for "The eStore System" (TES)—the "TranSmart Chip"—we gained a deeper understanding of Einstein. His creative works from 1905 will continue to influence the evolution of 21st-century civilization.

Fig 1: Princeton's Mascot –Tiger

II. About Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (1879–1955) was a German-born Jewish physicist. At the age of two, his family moved to Munich. In 1894, due to difficulties in the family business, his parents and sister relocated to Milan, Italy, while 15-year-old Einstein stayed behind in Munich to continue his high school studies. However, he was dissatisfied with the rigid and dogmatic German education system, so he dropped out of school in 1895 and joined his family in Milan. At the age of 16 (in 1895), Einstein wrote an essay titled "On the Investigation of the State of the Ether in Magnetic Fields", which aimed to explore the relationship between ether (a medium that scientists of the time hypothesized was necessary for the propagation of light waves) and magnetic fields. Although the paper did not significantly impact the scientific community, it demonstrated Einstein's deep interest in physics and his analytical thinking from a young age.

In 1896, Einstein applied to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich (ETH Zurich) and was admitted. He renounced his German citizenship to avoid conscription, becoming stateless. Einstein chose Switzerland because its education system was relatively open and emphasized critical thinking over rote memorization, aligning with his learning style. Additionally, Switzerland was one of the more liberal European countries of the time. ETH Zurich was a top engineering school in Europe, known for its open academic environment and strong focus on scientific research. Key features of ETH included:

1. Emphasis on the integration of theory and practice;

2. An international atmosphere, attracting students from across Europe and offering a free and egalitarian learning environment;

3. Highly competent faculty, including prominent figures in physics and mathematics, who greatly inspired Einstein.

Since childhood, Einstein had been curious about the workings of the natural world, particularly “light and electromagnetic waves.” His education at ETH became a critical foundation for his later work in theoretical physics.

At the age of 21 (in 1900), Einstein completed his undergraduate studies at ETH. Although he was not the top student in his class, his passion for physics and mathematics, combined with his independent thinking, set him apart. After graduation, Einstein received a teaching diploma, equivalent to today's bachelor's degree in science. Since ETH did not grant doctoral degrees at the time, Einstein pursued his doctorate at the University of Zurich. His doctoral advisor, Alfred Kleiner, was an experimental physicist. In 1905, Einstein earned his PhD with his dissertation "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions." This dissertation, falling within the realm of theoretical physics, was closely related to his subsequent research. Zurich’s academic freedom and open atmosphere provided crucial support for Einstein's scientific career.

III. Miracle Year’s Four Papers and Their Impact

The year 1905, often referred to as Einstein's "Miracle Year," marked a turning point in the history of physics. While working as a third-class technical expert at the Swiss Patent Office, Einstein published four groundbreaking papers that reshaped physics and influenced future innovations— those affects including our "Contactless Induction" technology and the USD 36 trillion annual transactions in the "Universal Cashless System." Below are the themes and impacts of these four papers:

1. The Light Quantum Hypothesis:

Paper Title: "On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light"

Einstein proposed that light exists as particles (photons), with energy proportional to frequency (E = hν). This theory explained the photoelectric effect, challenged the classical wave theory of light, and paved the way for quantum mechanics. In 1921, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery. In 1986, inspired by this research, I explored a novel approach to "Contactless Semiconductors," which I called "the Photon Revolution.”

2. Brownian Motion:

Paper Title: "On the Motion of Small Particles Suspended in Stationary Liquids Required by the Molecular-Kinetic Theory of Heat"

This paper analyzed Brownian motion to confirm the existence of molecules and atoms, providing a mathematical model to describe random motion. It offered experimental evidence supporting the foundations of statistical mechanics. In 1984, I wrote a report based on this study, prompting my friend Mike Daley, who had just returned from the Philippines, to joke, "Peter, this report could earn you two PhDs in environmental science in the United States!"

3. Special Theory of Relativity:

Paper Title: "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies"

Einstein redefined the concepts of time, space, and motion. The core principles included:

1) The speed of light in a vacuum is constant for all observers.

2) The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames.

This study revolutionized humanity's understanding of space-time and became a cornerstone of modern physics.

4. Mass-Energy Equivalence:

Paper Title: "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?"

Einstein introduced the famous equation “E=mc2,” revealing that mass and energy are interchangeable. This formula laid the theoretical foundation for nuclear energy and highlighted the profound implications of relativity, whose influence continues to this day.

As to the Einstein's four groundbreaking papers from "the Miracle Year 1905," along with his subsequent contributions after moving to Princeton, USA, in 1933, had a profound and lasting impact on the world. The influence of his work can be summarized as follows:

1. Scientific Advancement:

Einstein's theories not only advanced quantum mechanics, relativity, and statistical physics but also significantly influenced nuclear physics and cosmology. More importantly, his work bridged the gap between theoretical physics and practical applications, transforming human life and business models.

2. Technological Applications:

The mass-energy equivalence formula (E=mc2) became the cornerstone of nuclear energy development, including nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons. Similarly, the photoelectric effect equation (E=) has inspired the development of numerous new technological products in the era of artificial intelligence.

3. Philosophy and Culture:

Einstein's revolutionary perspectives challenged traditional notions of time and space, sparking profound discussions in both scientific and philosophical circles about the nature of the universe. His famous debates with Niels Bohr over "the philosophical foundations of quantum mechanics" were particularly influential. While Einstein advocated for realism and determinism, expressing skepticism about the randomness in quantum mechanics, Bohr supported the Copenhagen interpretation, which embraced randomness and non-locality as intrinsic features of nature. These debates left a lasting impact on the philosophy of science.

4. Influence in the United States:

During his time in America, Einstein continued his research and engaged in intellectual exchanges with scientists at Princeton, fostering scientific and technological progress. This helped elevate American scientific prowess to its zenith after World War II. Additionally, Einstein voiced his opinions on political and social matters, particularly in advocating for peace and opposing the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Einstein's contributions not only transformed physics but also profoundly shaped modern civilization, remaining a cornerstone of science today. His work on special relativity, addressing high-speed motion and relativity in inertial reference frames, eventually expanded into general relativity (published in 1915), which unified gravity and relativity by explaining how gravity affects the fabric of spacetime.

General relativity's central idea is encapsulated in the principle: "Mass-energy tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells mass-energy how to move." In other words, gravity is no longer considered a force but a manifestation of spacetime curvature caused by mass and energy, with objects moving freely along the curvature. The "Einstein Field Equations" (EFE) form the foundation of general relativity and are applied to explain phenomena such as black holes, gravitational waves, and the expansion of the universe. This theory laid the groundwork for modern cosmology and gravitational physics.

Inspired by this theory, I developed the concept of "Gravity Inversion." If realized, it could dramatically reduce the time required for intercontinental travel, making the dream of ultra-fast global transit a reality.

IV. The Parallels Between Einstein and Zhuangzi

Albert Einstein (1879–1955) developed theories encompassing both the macroscopic and microscopic realms, from explaining the laws of the universe's operation to exploring the behavior of subatomic particles and the quantization of energy. Similarly, Zhuangzi (circa 369–286 BC) espoused a philosophy that spanned the vast ("as great as the six directions of the universe") to the minute ("as small as the tiniest particle"). The thoughts of these two individuals, separated by over two millennia, reveal remarkable similarities.

As a young reader of Zhuangzi, I came across the passage in "The Free and Easy Wandering" that states:

"Riding the clouds and mist, harnessing the sun and moon, and roaming beyond the four seas."

This emphasizes spiritual freedom and liberation within the boundless universe, transcending worldly constraints to achieve harmony with all things. In this “philosophical perspective,” Zhuangzi de-emphasized fixation on specifics, advocating instead for a broader vantage point to understand the mysteries of life and the cosmos. This aligns with a macroscopic worldview and reflects a profound cosmological awareness.

In "The Northern Journey of Knowing," Zhuangzi discusses the principle of "descending further to uncover deeper truths," saying:

"The Dao is everywhere."

From ants, weeds, and tiles to "excrement and urine" (referring to the smallest of things), he continues:

"The vastness of the universe does not extend beyond its scope; the smallest hair depends on it to form a unified whole."

Here, Zhuangzi reminds us to not only embrace a broad understanding of the cosmos and life but also cultivate sensitivity to and insight into details. This echoes "Einstein’s Principle of Wave-Particle Duality," which acknowledges the dual aspects of light and matter.

The macroscopic and microscopic elements of Einstein’s theories resonate with the perspectives found in Zhuangzi’s The Free and Easy Wandering and The Northern Journey of Knowing. These parallels lie primarily in their "Perspective Shifts" and their understanding of the laws governing the universe and nature. Although Einstein’s theories and Zhuangzi’s philosophical ideas emerged from different cultures and eras, both reflect profound contemplation on the cosmos, life, and existence.

Both share a dual focus on the "great" and the "small," the "whole" and the "detail." Einstein’s scientific theories illuminated the inherent connections between these aspects, while Zhuangzi’s philosophy articulated the need to seek macroscopic freedom and liberation while observing microscopic changes and wisdom. Both explore the multi-layered nature of cosmic principles and strive for unity and balance between the macroscopic and microscopic realms.

V. A Visit to Princeton

Having grown up hearing stories about Einstein and later grasping the concept of "Duality" from Zhuangzi's philosophy, I realized that such duality need not be oppositional. For instance, selling a precision-made "eyelet," so tiny it could barely be held in the hand, to an American electronics company required the development of bronze and steel materials, molds, machinery, and automated feeding equipment. This minuscule component, surprisingly, played a role in humanity's ventures into space. Most importantly, it helped us transition "from poverty to rich."

When former U.S. President Jimmy Carter (1924–2024) decided to sever diplomatic ties with the Republic of China (Taiwan), I had to travel to the United States to participate in the development of "Satellite Receivers." In January 1979, I visited Princeton University, retracing Einstein's steps on its campus and reflecting on the history he shaped.

Fig 2: Inventors of “Contactless Semiconductor” visit Princeton

Einstein's macroscopic theories, exemplified by his general theory of relativity, reveal the vast structures of the universe, describing the movements and interactions of celestial bodies such as galaxies, planets, and black holes. These concepts are far beyond my capabilities, leaving me only to admire them. However, Einstein's microscopic theories, particularly his work on the photoelectric effect, which explains the behavior of microscopic particles and the quantization of energy, greatly inspired us in developing "Contactless TranSmart Chip."

Between July 1966 and October 25, 1970, my grandmother, whose bound feet had been broken by police, was bedridden in my workshop, where I could care for her nearby. I had a dream—those friends with disabilities, like my grandmother, would one day be able to stand and walk again. While there were no obstacles in terms of mechanical design, I found the issue of "Power Supply" to be challenging. I hoped to derive inspiration from Einstein's theories to develop a "Power Chip." By the 1990s, attendees of "Science & Future Seminars" had already witnessed the groundbreaking invention of the power chip, a creation that astonished the world.

VI. Development of the "Contactless TranSmart Chip"

However, my wife, Linda Din, believed that solving unemployment was a more pressing issue. In 1986, she decided to start a business with the goal of addressing unemployment. From 1980 to 1985, Taiwan's attempts at industrial transformation were unsuccessful, leading then Minister of Economic Affairs, Chao Yao-Tung, to describe himself as "the most unsuccessful minister." One day, Linda sketched a diagram titled "The Electronic Store System" (The eStore System, aka TES), which she called the solution for the future global unemployment crisis. Her hypothesis was that a small "Contactless TranSmart Chip" could revolutionize transaction models, creating numerous new job opportunities by activating backend operations. After over 30 years of effort, she successfully established a globally applicable cashless system with an annual transaction volume reaching USD 36 trillion USD, benefiting hundreds of millions of entrepreneurs. Completely in line with the duality of macro and micro.

It sounds simple, but achieving it was no easy feat. Inspired by Einstein's photoelectric hypothesis, I naturally began with the "Photoelectric Effect Equation" (E = hν), hoping to find a point of entry between "light and wave." After three years of research, however, I discovered that electromagnetic waves and radio waves were fundamentally different. While both are waves, electromagnetic waves are easily obstructed, whereas radio waves can penetrate or bypass obstacles. Consequently, on December 29, 1989, we announced in the Economic Daily News: "Development of RF Transmitter."

Fig 3: "Contactless TranSmart Chip" and "RF Transmitter"

At the time, nearly every major semiconductor manufacturer in the world had been inquired by us. Their unanimous response was: "It is impossible to perform data conversion without physical contact!" Left with no alternatives, we had to develop the technology ourselves. We named this project "Rich Taiwan"—if successful, Taiwan would become the birthplace of contactless semiconductors, leading the future technological society globally.

Although I proved that Einstein's photoelectric hypothesis had its limitations, in the TES system, the RF transmitter emits radio wave signals, which are received by corresponding contactless TranSmart chip. The chip, embedded with a set of antennas, convert these radio wave signals into electric current when activated by the RF Transmitter. The TranSmart chip is then powered by this current to execute designated functions. This is conceptually similar to Einstein's explanation of the "Photoelectric Effect," wherein certain materials absorb energy from electromagnetic waves (whether light or RF signals) and convert it into electrical energy, thereby powering or driving other electronic devices.

To establish the fundamental formula for converting RF signals into electric current within the TES system, we referenced "Einstein's Photoelectric Hypothesis." First, based on Einstein's use of the Planck equation (E = hf), we see that E represents the energy of each photon (or RF energy), and the energy of an RF signal can be determined by the wave's frequency (f) and wavelength (λ). Here, h is Planck's constant (approximately 6.626×10⁻³⁴ J•s), and f is frequency (Einstein used ν to represent frequency). The energy E of light is directly proportional to its frequency. From these parameters, the following fundamental formula was derived:

1. Conversion of RF Signals to Current

The energy of radio waves is received by the antenna of the TranSmart chip, where the RF signal is converted into electric current (I). Assuming the antenna's reception efficiency is η, the frequency and power of the RF signal received by the antenna are Prf, and the resistance is R, the minimum current at the receiver (Imim) can be expressed as Formula (a).

2. Total RF Energy Formula for the TES System

In the TES system, the RF signal transmitted is captured by the antenna of the TranSmart chip and converted into current to power the chip. According to the "Principle of Energy Conservation," the energy received from the radio waves is converted into kinetic energy to activate the chip's operation. Therefore, with the minimum current required to activate the chip (Imim), antenna reception efficiency η, and resistance R, the RF signal received with frequency and power Prf  at the receiving end can be expressed as Formula (b).

3. Relationship Between RF Energy Parameters

Through repeated experiments, we confirmed the limitations of Einstein's electromagnetic wave theory. Fortunately, we identified the 13.56 MHz radio frequency, whose signals can penetrate obstacles and be effectively received, making it suitable for near-field communication in the TES system. During the initial experiments, the number “666666” appeared on the display. From these experiments, we derived a relationship involving the RF converter's transmitted signal power (Ptx), the antenna's coverage area (A), and the induction distance (d), which are inversely proportional. This relationship is expressed in Formula (c).

VII. The Encounters Between Einstein and Us

Albert Einstein's research focused on pure theoretical physics. At the age of 21, in 1905, he proposed the "Light Quantum Hypothesis," which solved the scientific puzzle of the photoelectric effect and marked a breakthrough in academia. This achievement earned him worldwide recognition, and he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 41.

Fig 4: Einstein won 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics

Linda Din, on the other hand, began observing Taiwan's industrial transformation in 1980, at the age of 22. By 1985, the efforts at transformation had largely failed. Despite being a young and ordinary woman, she boldly set out to "invent social engineering" as a way to solve structural societal issues. Focusing on applied technology and starting with humanitarian concerns, she invented the "Contactless TranSmart Chip." By the age of 40, as an invited speaker at APEC 1998, she successfully gained the "Bill of E-Commerce" that paved the way for convenient tools like the "EasyCard," ushering in the era of contactless induction technology.

Fig 5: Linda Din proposed the EasyCard at the Taipei City Hall

While such inventions possess immense practical and social value, applied technologies are often not recognized at the same level as theoretical science, particularly in certain cultures and environments. For example, the number of formulas and process diagrams we have created far exceeds those of Einstein.

In 1986, Linda Din sketched her vision to solve unemployment— "The eStore System" (TES)—categorizing the world at that time as predominantly contact-based. When she approached global companies involved in semiconductors, including Philips, all of them said: "Contactless information exchange? Impossible!" However, with her husband, nicknamed "Gadget Master," the two of us had to rely on our own resources to bring the TES system to fruition through a long series of inventions.

During my 1979 visit to the U.S. to develop satellite receiver, an American friend remarked: "Back in 1966, you were the only person in the world capable of making the high-precision eyelets used in Apollo, meeting the strict requirements." This was because, at the age of 13, I invented the "U-shaped Duplication Method," enabling me to produce high-precision Apollo components without access to machine tools. Moreover, My physics classes at evening school rarely earned me less than a perfect score. By 1982, when I visited Mattel, I fixed the high scrap rate of Barbie doll's leg armature in just 10 seconds. Yet, Linda Din’s invention took me 11 years of effort to accomplish.

By the time we secured the Bill of E-Commerce at APEC, proposed the ICT initiative, and won the Shanghai IPR Regulation, it was already 2001. On March 6, 2001, during a briefing to officials at the Ministry of Economic Affairs about the importance of ICT, one official stared blankly and asked: "What hell is ICT?"

Einstein worked in an environment that highly respected scientists and fostered pure research. Especially in the Western world, foundational scientific research has long been regarded as a core element of national development. In contrast, following Taiwan's political transitions, our "Rich Taiwan Plan" became a laughingstock. Worse, our inventions became the target of corrupt groups, placing us in circumstances entirely different from Einstein's.

Fig 6: "Rich Taiwan Plan" Seminar

Einstein’s research was largely free from political or societal interference, allowing his academic value to flourish in a relatively pure scientific setting. When the Australian government invited us to report on progress of the best practice at APEC CEO Summit 2006, we faced island-based corruption forces attempting to block us. When I arrived at the Sofitel Hotel in Hanoi, breaking through obstacles, global political and economic leaders all remarked: "You’ve been subjected to non-economic factors interference; you're persecuted by your government!"

We not only had to overcome technical challenges but also faced internal political and societal difficulties in Taiwan, such as unstable industrial policies, oppression from corrupt groups, and unfair distribution of market benefits.

Einstein's success contrasts starkly with our experience, highlighting the differing recognition of basic theoretical science versus applied innovation in various cultures, times, and systems. While our inventions fall under the domain of "applied innovative technology," they have established "a global contactless transaction system," generating an annual transaction volume exceeding USD 30 trillion, and benefiting billion of entrepreneurs. Yet, these achievements also brought immense disaster upon us.

VIII. Conclusion

Taiwan's industrial transformation during 1980-1985 not only failed but also shattered the ambitions of then-Minister of Economic Affairs, Mr. Chao Yao-tung. My wife, Linda Din, as a woman of extraordinary resolve, invented the Electronic Store System (TES), leveraging contactless TranSmart chip to create a globally accepted cashless system. She did more than conceptualize this idea; she pulled me along to achieve this historic innovation that changed human history through our own efforts.

In 1905, at the age of 26, Einstein utilized "Planck’s Equation" (E = hf) to propose the light quantum hypothesis. In 1966, I had already sold finely crafted electronic components to American electronics companies for use in the Apollo program. By 1974, at 21, I had established "Taiwan's Precision Industry," and by 1979, at 26, I was in the U.S. developing satellite receiver. By that age, I had accumulated significant practical skills and theoretical foundations.

Because Taiwan’s industrial transformation failed between 1980-1985, Linda Din proposed creating an innovative industry to address unemployment through TES. This "Social Responsibility Investment" (SRI) fully aligned with both macroeconomic and microeconomic perspectives. While initially intending to base the contactless concept on Einstein’s theories, we discovered the limitations of electromagnetic waves due to their susceptibility to obstruction. We therefore shifted our focus to "radiofrequency (RF) technology" and derived the RF conversion formula from the relationship between RF power, current, voltage, and resistance (Prf = IV = I²R). We invented every unit required for the TES system and began presenting it at APEC in 1997. After six years of persistent effort at APEC, the E-Commerce industry finally became the most significant livelihood industry of the 21st century.

However, we faced relentless attacks from corrupt groups in Taiwan. Our bank accounts were emptied, and we lost our home, yet we dared not speak out. This starkly contrasts with the honors Einstein received, highlighting an unimaginable disparity.

On January 20, during U.S. President Donald Trump’s inaugural address, he specifically defined the term "Cartel"—referring to corrupt groups—as terrorists. On the same day, Taiwan experienced a magnitude six earthquake. Since the 2006 APEC CEO Summit in Hanoi, where the "Lima Anti-Corruption Declaration" was discussed, it has now been linked to the "United Nations Convention Against Corruption" (UNCAC). We believe that the new golden age will bring new changes.

As inventors of "E-Commerce and Contactless Semiconductor," someone recommended that we must use academic and media platforms to share our journey, compiling the technological and historical context into a book and publishing articles in international technology journals to document the origins and evolution of contactless semiconductor technology. Furthermore, we should plan to organize international conferences and host forums on "Contactless Technology and the AI Era," inviting scholars, businesses, and governments from around the world. These events will showcase the impact of this technology on the future while emphasizing its Taiwanese origins, providing an opportunity to reiterate our contributions.

Peter Lichang Kuo, the author created Taiwan's Precision Industry in his early years. Peter was a representative of the APEC CEO Summit and an expert in the third sector. He advocated "anti-corruption (AC)/cashless/e-commerce (E-Com)/ICT/IPR/IIA-TES / Micro-Business (MB)…and etc." to win the international bills and regulations.

opyrights reserved by K-Horn Science Inc.

External Links:

https://patents.google.com/patent/US6304796 (VAM)

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https://patents.google.com/patent/US20040054595A1 (ETC)

https://ldinventions.blogspot.com/2022/01/127.html  (A Universal Cashless System)

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https://lckstory.blogspot.com/2024/08/818.html (Disney Intelligent System)

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https://plckai.blogspot.com/2024/11/1103.html (On Ethics & Morality of the AI Era)

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https://pkproposal.blogspot.com/2024/12/1220.html (TES & MAGA)

https://pklctrips.blogspot.com/2024/12/1231.html (Kuo’s Journey for 6 Decades)

https://pklctrips.blogspot.com/2025/01/111.html (The Photonics Revolution)



The Photonics Revolution

Kuo’s Journey: 60 Years of Industrial Transformation