BusinessPlan of TES (C)

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TES is a Megatrend of Green Financial Investment

The 26th UN Climate Summit (COP 26): “Let us rise to the enormous challenge of our times, this pivotal point in history — and achieve success for not just our present generation, but all generations to come.” We've been advocating to make good use of "Tech" to maintain "Eco/ EP/ Energy" through "Social Responsibility Investment" in order to achieve "TES Initiative" and already be universally recognized and accepted. Although we missed the era of Thomas Edison and did not handle the issues of "Electricity" properly. We must hold this timing to leave a beautiful and clean earth for our children and grandchildren.


The International Energy Agency (IEA) defined "TES" and points out that "With the ‘Total Energy Supply' unchanged, the use of 'fossil' will be phase-down year by year, while the proportion of 'renewable energy' must be increased. In order to achieve the goal of net zero emission of carbon by 2050 (NZE2050)." Together with our initiative of "Replace Fossils with Plants", they have become a hot spot for the UN COP26 in 2021. The IMF put forward a specific figure of "USD 5 trillion in annual investment." The Network of Green Financial System (NGFS) emphasized the use of financial investment to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement--from energy saving and carbon reduction, reduction of fossil use, conversion to bio-based raw materials to net zero carbon emissions, the establishment of five working streams to carry out the affairs of green financial investment to implement the “Hygiene Initiative” of the “Best Practice”, and bring tens of trillion of dollars in business opportunities.

Product Description

In 1989, we announced in the medias about "Developing RF Transmitter." In order to activate the "TranSmart Chip and its reading device", we applied "Contactless-tech" to make by the leaves to be a stamp-like "Power Chip" (Dynamic Chip) --its power is equal to an AAA battery, but its volume is less than one-tenth.

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When Peter Lichang Kuo, the Creator was invited to attend the APEC CEO Summit 2009, to contribute the “IIA-TES” for “Rebuilding the Global Economy”, and to advocate the development of a “Carbohydrate Economy” (CE) with a “Bio-based Power Chip". Replacing the "Hydrocarbon Economy" (HE) that producing pollution.

In short, "Replace Fossils with Plants", develop a "Clean Economy" (CE) through "Social Responsibility", for creating tens of trillions of dollars in new business opportunities, and bringing millions of new jobs to rebuild the global economy.

Application Range:

After 12 years, the 2021 UN COP 26 declared that "Phase-down fossil raw materials year by year” while increasing the proportion of renewable energy. The "CE" in the "TES" we proposed is generally accepted. For a century, human beings have been controlled by the oil wells and mines. The “HE” has resulted in pollution of the environment, damage to the ecology, and more and more intractable diseases. Fortunately, now we are deciding to return to "bio-based materials" and opening new era of "CE".

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"Plants" are refined to new materials, which resistant permeability is 10 times more than fossil raw materials. It will resolve the fatal problem of "expansion" of traditional electronic products. It is not only environmental friendly, but also safer. Bio-based Power Chip is a key component of the future made of "composite material + superconductor" and in multi-layered technology. It can be compressed into the thickness of a stamp and with energy. Its application range is widely used in communication satellite/ internet/ phone/ aircraft/ automobile /high-speed rail/ MRT/ TV/ computer/ identification/ robot/ VAM & eStore/ RF and Transmission products, etc. Generally, everyone from newborn baby to aerospace must use it in the future. The point is to lay the foundation for economic and industrial development in the next 50 years.

Added Value

When we invented the "Contactless E-commerce System", for developing "TranSmart Chip" by means of pico-tech, we discovered the incredible properties of "Plants", for example, bagasse can replace the fossil raw materials of PET bottles; "castor/ hemp/ soybean" can be extracted by SCF to obtain industrial raw materials, and further to make into "foils/ insulated plates/ biodegradable plastics/ biofuels/ building materials/ coatings/ textiles/ paper", etc. The raw materials of 1 dollar can be through precision processing to produce added value of ten dollars or more.

Invented A Cashless System

"TranSmart Chip" is the key to the New Tech-Economic System (TES). The figure shown above contained plant ingredients already, leading the new tide of developing "Multilayer Lamination". It has been promoted to the international conferences for many years, and its concepts have gradually been applied to all levels of high-tech fields, such as advanced batteries, chips and photovoltaics, and even vehicles, aircraft, satellites and energy storage (eStore) and other fields. First of all, we officially proposed the "TranSmart Chip Card" to be used in the occasions of "transaction and identification" to form a "The eStore System" at APEC 1998, and won the bill of "Steering the E-Commerce".

We proposed to the mayor and officials of bureaus at the Taipei City Hall on May 24, 1999, that the "TranSmart Chip Card" was applied to MRT in the name of "EasyCard", and it's started since 2002. 

We advocated at APEC CEO Summit 2006 that "TranSmart Chip is embedded in the mobile phone." Meanwhile, to strive for satellite support and reiterate the "Hygiene Initiative"--reducing the public health risks of traditional currency "Contact" and attaining a global "Cashless System", and then become a necessity for people. In 2020, when the pandemic of COVID-19 spreading around the world, our invention was called the "Zero-touch Economy", and the annual transaction volume was as high as "USD 36 trillion", becoming a record in history for the highest annual revenue of a single invention.

Fundraising Plan

According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and APEC IP Regulation, promoting the "IP Auction." The originator entrusts the arrangers to conduct quantitative pricing of TES, contact those authorities and underwriters to form the receivable. The minimum bid price is due USD 1.2 billion in order to raise the funds to actuate advanced R&D and commercialization of capital and tech-intensive and high value-added "Power Chip". Furthermore, establishing those high-tech industrial clusters, developing a clean economy (CE), and driving $10 trillion in business opportunities; the focus is, "To meet the goal of NZE 2050."

Usage of Funds

* Botany Lab and research centers:

Estimated Area: 10 hectares.

Expecting benefits: the formation of new industrial clusters, the creation of new jobs and derivative value chains.

The 2021 UN COP26 determined "Alternative Raw Materials" to achieve an increase or decrease in total energy supply--increasing renewable and reducing fossil raw materials. First of all, "coal" is called "the dirtiest form of power." China has pledged to stop coal in 2030, and countries are bound to follow up. This move will cause major changes in the industries; therefore, "Plant Research" has become an urgent task. Selecting areas with sunshine and abundant plants to establish "Botanylab" for research and develop, and use our accumulated knowledge and experience to drive the transformation of high-tech and traditional industries, grasp strategic opportunities that are rare in millennia for leading the mainstream technology society.

* Achieving Innovation:

First, incubating "01" for module duplication;

Second, to promote "1100" for fostering the unicorns.

* Accomplishing “eStore”:

At APEC CEO Summit 2009, the US representative said that "eStore is energy storage, and TES is the economic stimulus." And "eStore" is the "PCM Micro Generator", a rough estimate of the market value is about USD 3.8 trillion in APEC and USD 6.0 trillion in G20. Now the energy trend is determined at COP 26. "eStore" is called the connected-point of the "Transmart Electricity System" and will form a global power internet. The original intention of inventing the "PCM Micro Generator" was universal concern. The key component "Power Chip" was by means of "pico-tech" (1 x 10-12m). To make them modularize in series and parallel is called "PCM". It will make the application of energy more efficient and safer.

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Derivative Value Chain:

We advocated the "IIA-TES" at APEC CEO Summit 2009, there was a "Seven Major Centers Between Taiwan and the United States" to illustrate that "How to promote the CE." Recommended from Kansas City in Missouri, which is the "Heart of America" and radiating to the other states-- about 1.48 million square kilometers of land, looking for relatively barren areas to grow the strategic plants, and developing the incredible property of Plants. 

At that time, President Obama believed that drilling "Shale Oil" was easier to resolve short-term dilemma after the financial crisis. If the shale oil producing 10 million barrels per day, one barrel of crude oil is about 136 kgs, and the annual output will be about 500 million tons. With the same output of bio-based fuel, it is roughly estimated that the land for cultivating plants is about 22,000 square kilometers, which is about 1.5 percent of 1.48 million square kilometers. The point is that plants grow from the soil, they can photosynthesize, absorb carbon dioxide, preserve water to protect the land, improve the landscape, and develop many new environmental protection technologies and equipments—from agriculture/ materials/ electronics/ robots/ textiles to aerospace have possibility to create a lot of "Local Jobs", and benefit around 100 million people. Recent year, President Trump signed the "Farm Bill" in 2018, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and OECD have published the "Agricultural Outlook for 2019-2028" to encourage researching and development of the plants.

Roadmap of Operating

Kuo went to AIT to inform the "IIA-TES" after APEC CEO Summit in Singapore. 12 years later, the battle between "CE" (Carbohydrate Economy) and "HE" (Hydrocarbon Economy) , under the supervision of the United Nations, net zero emission has become a great trend, and it has also been determined that "CE will be final winner." And from now on, with the total energy supply (TES) unchanged, "bio-based raw materials" will phase-up, and "fossil raw materials" will phase-down year by year. This is a major opportunity that is rare in hundred years. We must carry the financial activity to promote operation activity and obtain huge benefits.

Global Industrial Revolution

Our "Hygiene Initiative" at APEC, the specific plan was "Replacement of Raw Materials"--replace fossils with "Plants", and it has now been determined to be universally accepted. This will trigger a major change in the industry, and the tide must be soaring, and those who left behind will be sure to be eliminated. Interviews with institutional investors and angel funds that conclusion was "Agricultural Technology and New Food" ranked first, followed by "Zero-touch Economy".

According to IEA's data, global energy investment is expected to reach nearly "USD 5 trillion" by 2030. In the past 12 years, coal has increased by 23%, oil and natural gas has increased by 18%, and electricity has increased by 41%. "25%" of the product is consumed in conversion and transportation, 6% is used in non-energy products, and 69% is reserved for end users. IEA believes that in order to achieve the net-zero target, transportation emissions must be reduced by 90%, coal use by 90%, oil by 75%, and natural gas by 55%. And from now on, "no longer invest" in fossil fuels, and at the same time increase investment in renewable energy to match the development of the new economy. WNA (World Nuclear Association) suggested to build "1,000 GWe" nuclear power plants to make up for the gap in total energy supply--the total global nuclear energy capacity in 2020 is 392 GWe.

On November 10, 2021, China pledged at COP 26 to get rid of coal between 2026 and 2030, stop burning coal, reduce emission of methane , and develop a "Clean Economy" to meet the goal of controlling temperature rise within "1.5oC"; the United States also promised to stop coal in 2035. Mankind used a lot of coal after James Watt commercialized the steam engine in 1776; and Henry Ford successfully promoted gasoline cars in 1903, oil became a necessity for life, and the two industrial revolutions caused global temperature to rise. Our initiative of "returning from oil wells to farms" and "replace mines with farms and replace minerals with plants" was universally recognized at COP 26; the battle between carbohydrate and hydrocarbon was won by the former. After the process of "TES" (Tech/ Eco-protection and Socially Responsible Investment), plants can be applied to everywhere of life, and further many unicorns will be fostered.

Due Profitability

This case is a long-term investment plan, which will begin with financial activity and then enter operation activity; once the business is actuated, there will be endless. As bio-based products is in line with the great trend of "NZE2050", they have the properties of "model duplication and substitution", the products are highly profitable and there is no precedent to follow. The comparison among TES investment and real estate and bank deposits is as follows:

The innovative enterprises that are projected to be fostered have the potential to become unicorns--quantify their future performance as a stock price, which is approximate between USD 50-300. While they are promoted to list on the capital market and are more likely to produce a long derivative value chain.

Sow in good soil

The plant application this time is a major industrial revolution. The scale is larger than Watt’s coal-fired steam engine and much larger than Ford’s gasoline internal combustion engine; because it involves a "comprehensive replacement of old equipment", many old apparatus cannot be modified, that the needs for new ones involve emerging business opportunities. We have named this revolution "TES" since the last century. In the 1990s, we studied the manuka plant and found that it is rich in "flavonoid", which caused the popularity of health care products. The new ingredients developed by the plants of castor and hemp in 2021, that will be applied to a wide range of industries. The COP26 held in Glasgow, UK, opened a new pivotal decade. Leaders and representatives from 199 countries and regions discussed how to promote "TES" and start this revolution by phase-down and increase to the raw materials. Those who know how to sow in good soil will get thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times the crop. Meanwhile, it is also a critical period for eliminating inferior awareness and rebuilding good quality awareness, so that mankind can sustainably develop a clean economy on this planet.

The Creator

Peter Li-Chang Kuo, The Creator is known as an industry evangelist. Since 1966, he became an important supplier of AVNET Inc., and afterwards developed thousands of electronic components/ insulated plates/ super-fine lead wires/ yokes/ automations and manufacturing processing methods. In 1974, because he founded "Cheng-Kuang Precision Industrial Co., Ltd." in Yong-Kang, Tainan that "the Father of Taiwan’s Precision Industry" was called by Premier Minister Chiang Ching-kuo (1910~1988). In 1979, “K-Horn Science Incubator” founded in New York, and opened “Black Stone Co.” to assist the client who listed on NYSE to develop the satellite receivers. In the 1980s, Kuo preached the precision industry to northern Taiwan, and unified the I/O specifications of NTSC and PAL, and he revived Barbie as the top one doll in the world at the same period. In 1993, Kuo suggested to President Lee Teng-hui (1923~2020) that he strived to hold “The First International Automation Fair” in Taipei to promote "Factory Automation in Taiwan". He then held in self-fund more than one hundred seminars on "Science & Future" and achieved the "Incubator" to be a global policy of innovation. And then brought those RF Transmission/ Contactless-tech and etc. to the world. And officially proposed their invention of new tech- economic system (TES) at APEC 1998; afterwards, many bills and policies were gained at APEC CEO Summit and international conferences—Including "ACT/ AI/ Best Practice/ Cashless/ CE/ MB/ E-Commerce/ ICT/ IPR/ IIA-TES/ SRI..." etc.

Related Links:

The U.S. Invention Patents (Linda Din Invention)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US6304796 (VAM)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20030197061 (Shopping System)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20030107468 (Entry Security Device)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20040054595A1/en?inventor=Linda+Din (ETC)

https://ipr-patent.blogspot.com/2018/11/3-major-claims-for-ipr-of-tes.html (3 major claims for the IPR of TES)

Other Links:

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/11/social-responsibility-investment-sri.html (Social Responsibility Investment)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/my-father-kun-cheng-kuo.html (My Father Kun-Cheng Kuo)

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/01/a-chans-taiwan-story.html (A-Chan’s Taiwan Story)

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/02/my-fathers-insight.html (My Father’s Insight)

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/02/my-grandmother.html (My Grandmother)

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/01/professor-yau-jing-po-cheng-kung.html (Professor Yau Jing-Po & Cheng Kung University)

https://lindadiniot.blogspot.com/2016/01/iot-and-aidc-in-2000.html (IoT and AIDC in 2000)

https://lindadiniot.blogspot.com/2016/01/substantial-and-virtual-internet-of.html (Substantial and Virtual Internet of Things, IoT)

https://lichangtwnstory.blogspot.com/2016/02/luce-chapel-at-tunghai-university.html (Luce Chapel at Tunghai University)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/a-hundred-year-old-teacher-mr-ma-chen.html (A Hundred-year-old Teacher Mr. Ma Chen-Chiu)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/11/a-thought-of-mr-william-h-gates-90th.html (A Thought of Mr. William H. Gates’ 90th Birthday)

https://lindadiniot.blogspot.com/2015/12/internet-of-things-iot-linda-dins.html (Internet of Things, IoT & Linda Din’s Invention)

https://lindadiniot.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-first-patent-of-iot-internet-of.html (The First Patent of IoT, Internet of Things)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/my-american-client_22.html (My American Client)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/open-society-will-appear-its-enemysaid.html (Open Society will appear its enemy)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/anti-corruption-has-become-great-trend.html (ANTI-CORRUPTION’ has become a great trend)

https://kuo-social-service.blogspot.com/2015/12/peter-kuo-mattels-barbie.html (Peter Kuo & Mattel’s Barbie)

https://3rdsectorkuo.blogspot.com/2015/12/taiwans-third-sector-for-development-of.html (Taiwan’s Third Sector for the Development of Information Society)

https://tpp-committee-commission.blogspot.com/2015/12/tpps-commission-and-committees.html (TPP’s Commission and Committees)

https://ipr-patent.blogspot.com/2018/10/uspto-director-iancus-address.html (USPTO Director Iancu’s address)

http://pkforac.blogspot.com/2018/08/anti-corruption-in-lima.html (Anti-Corruption in Lima)

https://pklctrips.blogspot.com/2021/05/523.html (Talking Barbie)

http://pklctrips.blogspot.com/2021/05/ait.html (AIT Christensen’s Farewell Speech)

https://pklctrips.blogspot.com/2021/06/603.html (Great Health Industry)

https://pklctrips.blogspot.com/2021/06/614.html (Turning Point)

https://pklctrips.blogspot.com/2021/06/630.html (TIFA Talk)

https://pklctrips.blogspot.com/2021/07/707.html (Confucianism--Confucius’ Taught)

https://pklctrips.blogspot.com/2021/08/the-father.html (The Father)

https://pkwgt.blogspot.com/2021/12/1216.html (TES & IEA)



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